14th March 2002



Lee Matthews, Sijbren Otto, Liz Clark, Liv Armitage


Apologies for absence

Ade and Jo.


Matters arising




1.      KKA Awards Scheme

Liv is waiting for the KKA Awards package to arrive. [post meeting note: they have arrived and will be passed on to coaches]



2.      Hall plans

Liv to ask the Perse if they have an hour and a half Sunday evening slot from mid September.

Liz to book Netherhall for 6-7pm Sundays on the field until the 8th September.


  1. Lottery grant

Lottery grant sent (for posts, balls and kit) City Council grant application (to pay NKA for posts outright) will be sent this weekend.


  1. Tear off leaflets

Liv has done these and they will be attached to Liz’s posters when done.  Posters will then be put in various schools and public places.


  1. BKA junior cup update

Under 9’s yet to be arranged.  U13’s / U11’s knocked out.         



  1. Dutch mini tournament May 4th – 5th

Stingers tournament on 5th May.  Only under 11’s in this tournament – Liz to write letter.


4th May:

Lee to ask Netherhall for access to the pitches.

Liz to email Debby Etheridge to notify all of the tournament (cc it to liv.armitage@ntlworld.com).  People to enter via Liv at £16 per team.

Tournament schedule coordinator – Liv to find volunteer (Dave Bate?)


14th March 2002



Organising and marking pitches – Liv to find volunteer (Dave Bate? – Liv has tapes).

Barbecue – Zareh and Matthews family to organise and cook.

Liz to investigate the possibility of buying crisps, chocolate and drinks from a cash and carry.

Liv to ask Rick B to publicise the event.

Sijbren to organise food for the Ritola team other than the BBQ

Sijbren and Lee to organise a “flag game” in the Cherry Hinton nature reserve on the Saturday evening.


5th May:

Liv to book a training session for the morning and an afternoon session at the Perse (1½ hrs each session) for Ritola v  GB U16’s.

Lee to tell Cara and Ritola

Lee to ask Cara to bring a referee.

Leeto ask BKA for money for hall bookings.



  1. A.O.B.









14th March 2002







·        Newsletter: Has been well received by parents.  Sibren needs a long arm stapler.   Liz to source a suitable stapler.


·        Mixed tournament: 27th April 10.30 – 12.30 adults and juniors mixed together in teams.  City to be involved in this with possible future games for other clubs.


·        Tournament in Holland: It was felt a good idea to take a junior team to Holland for a tournament.  This will be discussed at the next committee meeting.


·        Junior Training dates: Training will be happening on 31st March and 5th May.  Liv to cancel volunteers for these dates.



Date and time of next meeting: Thursday 18th April